Affordable tuition fee with great added value.
Industry-leading instructor with over 20 years of teaching experience.
Get your questions answered by the teacher or discuss with peers.
Study and interact with your peers so that the learning is rooted in a deeper level.
Receive an exclusive 60% OFF* on online LLQP course materials.
*You must register for the LLQP online course material before the beginning of the first class. Printed study material is not included in the workshop. (We will provide the discounted link after you register for the study workshop.)
*LLQP online course material is not included in this offer. You need to register and pay for the study materials separately (Discounted link will be provided after registration of the workshop).
*We advise you to read the study material before class for better learning results.
*Please read the study material before class for better learning results.
*Although it is not obligated, this LLQP workshop is hosted with the intention of introducing IBB Financial as your future MGA. If you are already committed to another MGA, we reserve the right to reject your admission to the program.